Quantum Nuggets
Quantum Nuggets is a project that generates organic forms from real data of particle collisions recorded by ALICE (Large Ion Collider Experiment), one of the 4 main detectors LHC (Large Hadron Collider), the world’s most powerful accelerator at CERN. Particle collision data is concretely implemented in a computer program that allows to visualize them in motion and to print them in 3D.
Quantum Nuggets is the result of a creative research process aimed to materialize quantum phenomena dating from the Big Bang that are recreated by physicists who are trying to understand the origin of matter since the creation of the universe.
These artefacts, which echo an unconventional phenomena, remind us of the familiar forms of gold nuggets found in a native state that we can observe on our scale in nature. They are transitional objects that connect our world with the quantum world, which is usually disconnected, mysterious and imperceptible.
These artefacts raise our perpetual questioning about the origin of the universe and life on Earth.
Quantum Nuggets is a project at the crossroads of design and quantum physics. It started in 2017 during a 3-month artistic residency at CERN as part of the Collide Pro Helvetia Residency Award.
In collaboration with Jeremi Niedziela, Particle physicist at CERN.